
Purpose Statement

At New Life Christian Church, our purpose is driven by the commission that Jesus Christ gave to His followers to go into the world and make disciples of all people.

Risus ipsum commodo
eveniet pede nulla, sed fusce ed eget, sit augue
mauris feugiat

Purpose Statement

At New Life Christian Church, our purpose is driven by the commission that Jesus Christ gave to His followers to go into the world and make disciples of all people. We believe that the message of the Gospel is one of hope, love, and salvation, and it is our goal to share this message with as many people as possible.

We understand that this task is not one that can be accomplished by us alone, but rather it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to fulfill this purpose. We believe that God has called us to be His hands and feet in the world, and as such, we are committed to serving Him in all that we do.

Our vision is not one of concrete and steel, but of people – souls reached and changed by God’s powerful Word. We believe that the most important aspect of our ministry is the impact that it has on the lives of those we encounter. We are committed to building up and encouraging those who are already believers, while also sharing the message of the Gospel with those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Savior.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and as such, it is our guide for how we are to live and serve. We are committed to equipping the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ. We recognize that each of us has been given unique gifts and talents, and it is through the use of these gifts that we are able to serve God and one another.

Ultimately, our desire is that God be glorified through the body of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of this ministry, and we strive to perform our work as unto Him, reflecting His love, grace, and truth to all those we encounter. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength, but rather it is through the power of Christ that we are able to do all things (Philippians 4:13).

In summary, our purpose at New Life Christian Church is to fulfill the commission that Jesus Christ gave to His followers by sharing the message of the Gospel with as many people as possible, building up and encouraging believers, and equipping the saints for the work of service. We do this with the ultimate goal of glorifying God through the body of Christ and reflecting His love and truth to all those we encounter.