
Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 Pm

Risus ipsum commodo
eveniet pede nulla, sed fusce ed eget, sit augue
mauris feugiat


Welcome to our Wednesday service page, where we gather as a community to study God’s Word in a more intimate setting. At New Life Christian Church, we believe studying the Bible in-depth is essential to our faith journey.

Our pastors often employ expository preaching on Wednesdays, which involves teaching through a particular book or passage of the Bible. This approach allows us to dive deep into God’s Word and better understand its message and how it applies to our lives.

Whether you’re a seasoned Bible scholar or just starting out on your faith journey, our Wednesday services offer a supportive and welcoming environment for everyone. We believe that studying the Bible together in a community is one of the best ways to grow in our faith and develop a deeper relationship with God.

So, come and join us on Wednesdays as we explore the Word of God together and learn from our pastors’ insightful expository preaching. We look forward to studying the Bible with you and growing in our faith together.